I turned 30 years old 11 days ago, and it hasn't been too horrible. Since I haven't written here in awhile, I thought this would be the perfect time to write one of my infamous lists.

top 30 things about being 30 (no certain order. . .)

30. Young enough to lose a few pounds, old enough to not give a crap about a few extra pounds.
29. I am finally more than double my students ages and don't necessarily listen to the same music anymore. . .well, some of it.
28. I enjoy sitting in our awesome West Stadium seats at Husker games instead of sneaking over to the student section where I can only see about half the game.
27. New hair for my new decade
26. It seems like people take you more seriously at 30. Something about with age comes experience.
25. Cool co-workers that know how to embarrass the hell out of you but still make you laugh by posting facebook profile photos of you and cute sayings about being 30 all over the school.
24. Stephenie Meyer was 29 when she wrote her first book, Twilight, so I am not that far off.
23. Being able to afford to take awesome trips like going to Jamaica or traveling to watch your alma mater play in a basketball tournament
22. Planning for children
21. Being able to remember Michael Jackson when he was considered sexy and an icon beyond media madness and craziness
20. Developing a tougher skin when people disappoint you (over and over again)
19. Being able to reconnect with friends you haven't seen in years and not recall why you lost touch (and not care)
18. Waking up every day with my best friend. . .
17. . . .and man's best friends, my doggies
16. Getting invited to more kid bday parties than adults', and enjoying them
15. Being able to retire in 25 years ;)
14. Not working a second job so we can leave town occasionally when the cold weather gets to be too much
13. To go with #14, not starting Christmas in Oct. this year
12. Having friends younger than you that you can help through 30
11. Having friends older than you that let you know how awesome it would be
10. Being young enough to enjoy YA literature but also sit down and read the newspaper cover to cover
9. Creighton basketball with my husband. . .and not missing a home game this year (goal)
8. Sharing a milestone birthday with Sesame Street
7. Having my family be healthy and safe
6. Having fun without drinking all night. . .and being hungover the next morning
5. Not going to the laundromat
4. Old pictures that remind you of your youth
3. Thinking this could be the start of the best year of your life
2. Vacations that I will be taking. . .when school is not in session, but still. . .
1. Being married to my best friend who will always be older than me. :)